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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

July 02, 2014

detox dengan epsom salt


 salam Ramadhan buat semua teman2 pengunjung blog saya.. mohon maaf atas apa jua keterlanjuran kata-kata saat bicara.. :) 

kali ketiga berpuasa di bumi borneo.. alhamdulillah seadanya.. nak kata berbuka awal dari semenanjung, hehe sama juga jam puasanya tu..bersahur lebih awal dr org sana..bangun lebih awal.. :)

 kali ni nak berkongsi tentang detox.

pernah saya kongsi sikit tentang buku yg saya beli. KLIK LINK NI 

dalam post tu ada saya kongsi tentang constitution. my nisrin macam ada salah satu tu...

kalau bab tenaga...ampun... mmg selalu la fikir, dtg dr mana la tenaga dia.. kdg2 terfikir..ish kategori hyperaktif ke dia ni.. huhuhu naive betul la.. bab tenaga tu satu.. kalau masuk shopping complex, mmg lajuuu lari tinggalkan mak pak ni haaa.. ada la 2 3 kali lari lesap mcm tu, n mmg buat adrenalin ni mencanak2 naik bila dia lari tu... luckily dia ni jenis suka menyorok2 dekta baju, spot area kawasan baju2.. kdg2 based on gelak dia..sbb selalu dia ni mmg sales girl akan tegur..ketawa dia pun mengekek2..

huhu anak oo anak..
sampaikan ada reminder dah kena hati2 la..jgn smpi hilang diambil orang yang bukan2.. Nauzubillah....

satu lg masalah nisrin yang suka menduga, bab memilih makan dan seterusnya mengganu sistem pencernaan dan penghadaman, membawa kepada episod sembelit.. kesian la..bila dah smpi waktu membuang, dia tak dapat buang dengan baik.. menangis2...

then, suddenly, terfikir mau detox dia.. plus, mcm 'cuci' vaksin yang dia ambil dulu2..

sbnrnya, banyak cara detox ni.. kalau memilih utk detox dengan cara pemakanan, boleh pilih diet detox yang betul..

senang cerita detox ini adalah cara utk kita uraikan toksin dalam badan dan nyahkan dia dari badan.. untuk yang nisrin hadapi tu, buah pisang adalah paling senang la sbnrnya... tp ntah rasa nak mencuba kaedah lain. bila baca di group ohub, antara yang paling serasi adalah guna epsom salt...

kemudian..smbung lagi pencarian di group nutrisi remedi alami malaysia..
dari file dlm group saya save ke komputer.. jd saya copy ke sini..

credit to GNRAM

Health benefits of Epsom Salt. Khasiat Garam Magnesium / Garam Inggeris. (Baik untuk detox, tapi bukan untuk menyembuhkan penyakit)

What is Epsom salt?
Epsom salt is rich in both magnesium and sulfate. Magnesium and sulfate can be easily absorbed through the skin. Studies have shown the effectiveness of using Epsom salt detox baths to increase the levels of both of these. In an Epsom salt detox bath, the magnesium sulfate is absorbed through the skin which aids in detoxification.

How an Epsom Salt Detox Bath Works
An Epsom salt detox bath is an excellent external way to detox and get out any harmful and unnatural substances. Our skin is our largest organ and our primary detox organ, which is why a detox bath is so beneficial.

A detox bath stimulates your lymph system and encourages increased oxygen and blood flow to your body. The detox bath helps strengthen the immune system and soothe your body. The sulfates from Epsom salts are very beneficial as they are essential for the formation of proteins lining the digestive tract. Sulfates also stimulate the pancreas to form digestive enzymes necessary to detoxify the body. This detox bath will help neutralize toxins and aid in protecting the body from heavy metals.

Soaking in Epsom salts also boosts the body’s magnesium levels as it is easily absorbed.

How to Take an Epsom Salt Detox Bath
Epsom salt detox bath recipe:
2 cups of Epsom salt
5-10 drops of detox essential oil

For the Epsom salt detox bath it is best to use comfortably warm water. Using too hot water will dry out your skin and strip away protective oils. The common amount to use is 2 cups of Epsom salt for a standard size bathtub. If your bathtub is larger or smaller, you may want to adjust the amount.

It is most beneficial to soak in the detox bath for about 40 minutes. This allows for enough time for your body to remove the toxins and to absorb minerals in the water.

Adding detox essential oils such as lavender, rose, sandalwood, or tea tree oil will aid in being therapeutic and assist in the detoxification.

How often Can You Use an Epsom Salt Detox Bath?
If this is your first time using an Epsom salt detox bath you may want to start out with using it twice a week and as your body adjusts you can increase the frequency.

After the Epsom Salt Detox Bath
To aid in detoxification, after the bath you many want to rub down your body with a boars body brush or loofah. This brushing stimulates the lymphatic system which will also help release toxins.

Cara untuk minum (atas umur 2 tahun) :

Kegunaan lain :

Info BM:

Epsom salt boleh dibeli di Caring Pharmacy atau di farmasi-farmasi lain juga.

kalau di kota kinabalu, di 1Borneo ada di jual di farmasi.. tp sy punya stok dapat sorg opismate..

14 jun 2014, mandian pertama nisrin dengan epsom salt. sebenarnya rendaman... saya buat 15 minit sahaja, mana la si cilik ni nak berendam lama2.. itu pun sambil bercerita pasal lori crane dia tu.. dia mmg xtau pun saya letak garam ke ubat ke...kot bila bgtau, jadi setting minda lari pulak.. hehe

pesan opismate yg bagi garam tu, lepas rendam kenaaa bg air yang banyak sbb akan rasa dehidrat sgt2.. nisrin yang kena detox tp pada hari tu, sy yg rasa haus.. jd sy kira mungkin rasa tu Allah yang tiup.. memang rasa lain rasa tekak.. mmg banyak bg air pada nisrin walhal selalunya dia yang mintak..seminggu pertama, mcm tiada apa2 kesan langsung..

masuk seminggu kedua dan sehingga semalam, alhamdulillah... badan dia mmg bagi respon.. setakat ni masalah sembelit mmg tiada..setiap hari dia akan poo poo... dan poo poo dia tu tak ragu2 saya bgtau mmg mcm toksin sedang disingkir keluar.. dengan warna...dengan bau.. 


cuma sekarang observe dulu keadaan poo poo dia, dah ok nanti, baru buat lg rendaman tu.. moga2 selesai la masalah nisrin..

masa saya post di fb ttg my nisrin yg sedang berendam, bila ada kawan tanya pasal rendaman tu, mmg x jawab directly..kira hari ni saya menjawab la ye pertanyaan kawan tu.. hehe

saya rasa itu aja nak kongsi post pertama bulan julai.. :)

selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa ye kawan2...

sampai jumpa lagi..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikkum Puan,

Nak tanye..cam mana ye buat rendaman air ni ye..bape byk puan letak..TQ :)